“To him, it’s about urging people ‘at a granular level’ to start over, with less fear and more optimism.”
-- Los Angeles Times
(b. 1963, Miami) Stuart Sheldon is a multi media artist and podcast host best known for immersive installations and collage paintings exploring literature and social justice. Sheldon's gun-sense billboard, How Was School Today?, in collaboration with the artist collective, For Freedoms, earned him a 2018 Ellies Creator Award from Oolite Arts, honoring “the backbone of Miami’s visual arts community.” His Swan Dive Podcast features guests from all walks of life who made a major life change to chase their dream. This collection of pivotal moments in meaningful lives includes Funk Legend, George Clinton, A National Geographic photographer who walked across America with his dog, a Stanley Cup hockey champion and many more; listen wherever you podcast. Sheldon co-founded the award-winning Streaming Media Magazine in 2001 in San Francisco. He created and hosted the 2017 Miami public television project, Meet Your Makers, in collaboration with The New Tropic and PBS. He spent 2018 teaching children art in an inner-city Miami public library as part of a ProjectArt artist-in-residence. Sheldon's work has been presented at the PAMM and MOCA museums in Miami, Apollinaire Fine Arts London, re: Publica Berlin, Art Miami, SCOPE and galleries across the US. Sheldon lives with his wife and two sons in a remote seaside village in Costa Rica, where he surfs every day.