The Happy Place Project
What makes you ecstatic - the person, place, action or thing that replaces your darkness with light?
The Happy Place Project invites artists everywhere to answer that question with a new creative work in any medium. In this moment of fear and isolation, Happy Place provides artists a moment of escape to remind us that joy lives inside us at all times, if we choose to engage it. As each painter, poet, dancer, filmmaker lights one small candle of creativity, a collective sun of optimism warms us all.
How it works:
Artists create a new (2020) work, in any medium: painting, film, music, poetry, performance, etc.
Artists post that work to IG and include @happyplaceartproject and hashtags #HappyPlaceArtProject and #MyHappyPlaceArt
Email image, artist link and brief (under 50 words) description how it makes you happy to stuart@stuartsheldon.com.
Happy Place Project adds your work to a dedicated web page along with description & artist link
Happy Place promotes your work on IG along with numerous art-related hashtags for maximum exposure: #art #artist #instaart, etc
Artists maintain all rights to work
Artists receive all sales proceeds. Happy Place is 100% non-commercial. If someone wishes to buy your work, artists speak with buyer directly.
Artists invite their creative communities to participate.
The Happy Place Project grows organically worldwide.
Humanity becomes a tiny bit less unhappy.
Easy peasy. And totally free for all to enjoy.
Happy Place is an experimental art project created by artist Stuart Sheldon, a counterpoint to the intensity of his social justice art practice. Working to fix the world is necessary but exhausting and constant. Sheldon wants all creative heroes out there doing the heavy lifting to take a minute to remember that what we're fighting for is not the eradication of pain but the activation of joy. Welcome to your Happy Place!